Enjoy a weekend at the
Sydney BMX Track

Where are you and your family this weekend?


Club racing takes place Sunday mornings (check the clubs calendar and Facebook events for race dates).

Sign-On 10-10:45am
Racing Starts at 11am
All club race events cost $8 per rider or $20 per Family.
Gate Practice sessions are held on Saturday mornings between 9-10:30am for $3 per licensed rider.

To ride at a gates practice session or race on the weekend, a rider must wear:

Full face helmet
Long pants
Long sleeve shirt
Socks which cover the ankle bone.

The bikes used for racing must not have front hand lever or pedal breaks. It is a safety requirement that all bikes be fitted with back hand lever breaks only.

The club can assist with providing loan bikes and helmets that can be used during your 4 Week Free AusCycling Trial or after you become a full member and are still getting all of your preferred racing gear sorted.

Experience the fun of riding and racing across any cycling discipline.

Trial members are covered with insurance when participating in AusCycling Activities, including social and recreational riding as well as racing at any club level events.